Q: How do I find out if my road is a county road?
A: Call the County Road Department office at (606) 474-5022.
Q: Who do I call to report a problem with my road?
A: Call your Magistrate or the County Road Department at (606) 474-5022.
Q: When is the next Fiscal Court Meeting?
A: The Carter County Fiscal Court meets the third Monday of the month. Meetings begin at 6pm in the Fiscal Courtroom.
Q: Who do I contact to pick up a stray or starving animal?
A:Woody Maddix 474-5477 or 315-3286.
Q: When is the VA Representative coming to the courthouse?
A: The Veteran’s Representative comes to the Courthouse once per month. Call the Judge Executive Office at (606) 474-5366 for more information.